Our curriculum nurtures curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love for learning in every student.
At Spark Vale, we understand that numerous students with SEMH and SEN needs need support to reconnect with their education, enhance their confidence, self-esteem, and aspirations. Our comprehensive approach to teaching and learning is integrated into our curriculum, where our personal development and Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC) learning objectives are woven into the delivery of the National Curriculum. Our aim is to make learning engaging, enjoyable and relevant.
To ensure that every student receives the support they need to succeed, we have regular assessment periods built into our subject timetables. This allows our teachers to track student progress closely, providing personalised interventions and ensuring that each student reaches their full potential.
Reading is essential for learning at SVA, as a strong vocabulary is vital for accessing the curriculum. It offers numerous benefits, such as reducing stress, enhancing relaxation, improving concentration and memory, expanding vocabulary, and fostering creativity.
To support this, we have scheduled daily guided reading sessions where students read with their teacher. This practice helps them understand pronunciation and recognise word and sentence structures, ultimately aiding their schoolwork and fostering a love for reading.
We believe that a student's numeracy skills are essential for their future. Being mathematically literate supports students in school and beyond.
Numeracy involves being confident with numbers in daily life—at work, reading the news, understanding payslips, managing finances, applying for jobs, and using calculators to find answers. It also means knowing when an estimate suffices and understanding percentages.
Numeracy is not about quick calculations, memorising methods, fearing mistakes, or relying solely on mental maths.
Spark Vale is committed to encouraging the personal and social development of each student. The school’s vision and values, created collaboratively by the staff, enhance the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural qualities of all students, which are integrated into our curriculum delivery.
We encourage ‘British Values’ through our spiritual, moral, social, and cultural education, which is integrated throughout the school’s curriculum and aids in the holistic development of each child. We understand that this development is most effective when all staff members actively promote these values and serve as behaviour models for our students. The curriculum across all stages provides diverse and well-rounded opportunities.
Rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual respect
Tolerance of different faiths & beliefs